In the first week, your baby will thoroughly examined. The doctor checks whether everything is in order and gives important vitamins (K and D) for bones and blood. For example, bone softening (Rickets) is prevented. In addition, the Hearing tested.

Within the first week of the newborn's life, it is also possible to Ultrasound examination of the Hip joint intended.

In the second investigation, a Orthopaedic and general It's your turn for an examination. During the orthopaedic examination, the doctor checks whether head, spine, rib cage, legs and feet have grown correctly. This allows malpositions or problems with movement to be recognised at an early stage.

The Movements and Reflexes are tested. The doctor will also enquire about the patient's Nutritional behaviour of the child.

The doctor checks the entire development of your child.

This includes the Physical development (how well can it move?), the Sensory development (does it see and hear well?) and the general health. Also the Growth is controlled.

The examination will check whether your child is already can sit, grasp and turn on its own. The doctor pays particular attention to the Hearingas it is important for language development. The Ears, nose and throat are closely scrutinised

During the sixth examination, your child's development is closely monitored. The doctor will check whether your child is developing moves well, talks and whether the first teeth are growing healthily.

Particularly important is the first Eye examinationto recognise possible visual problems such as strabismus at an early stage.

Your child gets a important eye examination. The ophthalmologist will examine your child's eyes carefully.

This will check whether your child sees clearly and whether the eyes are healthy are. Special tests are also carried out to see whether your child has a Glasses needs or whether it squints.

The examination includes a check, how well your child moves and what they can already do on their own. The eyes, ears and blood pressure are checked.

We also check whether the Language developed well and the Teeth are healthy. In this way, abnormalities can be recognised at an early stage.

The doctor examines the mental and physical development as well as the child's mobility and dexterity. The Language development should already be finalised be.

If the child needs special support, the doctor will discuss this with the mother or parents. Special support measures to discuss. For example, in the event of language problems Speech therapist or a speech therapist be referred to.

The last examination is important to see whether your child is Ready for school is. In addition to the physical development the mental development tested. This includes tests to see how well your child is already think, speak and move can.

The Fine motor skillsThe ability to work accurately with the hands is checked. This allows you to see whether your child is already able to Hold pen and can write. If your child used to Help The next step is to find out whether it has helped with speech or movement.

Federal Ministry.(26 July 2024.) Parent-child passport examinations of the child. Retrieved on 31.07.2024 from: (7 December 2023). The parent-child pass at a glance. Retrieved on 31 July 2024 from:

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