Do not forget your child in the car!

Heat death in the car

Why cars become a heat trap for children and babies in summer

Accidentally leaving children in hot cars is a serious danger. To prevent such tragedies, it is important to be aware of the risks and take simple precautions. Regularly checking the back seat and using reminders can save lives.

What is the danger?

Overheating: Children heat up faster than adults and can quickly suffer life-threatening heatstroke in a hot car.

Temperature rise: The interior temperature of a car can become extremely high within a short time, even with the windows slightly open. Temperatures in the car can rise up to 22 °C above the ambient temperature


Forgotten: Most parents accidentally forget their child in the car, often due to stress, distraction or changes in routine.

Unattended boarding: Children sometimes climb into cars on their own and can no longer get out.


Parents should be aware of the danger and take appropriate precautions. A simple trick is to place an object (e.g. mobile phone, bag, toy) on the back seat as a reminder.

It is also important to check the rear seat regularly before leaving the car.

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