Bastel-Ideen für den Herbst

3 great

Craft ideas

for the autumn

Making chestnut figures is a great activity for young and old, especially in autumn. With a little imagination and a few simple materials the small brown fruits can be cut into the most diverse Figures transform.

What you need:

  • Chestnuts: It is best to collect them fresh and let them dry well.
  • Toothpicks or matches: To connect the chestnuts.
  • Other materials as required:
    • Acorns
    • Pine cone
    • Beechnuts
    • Wiggle eyes
    • Pipe cleaner
    • Craft colours
    • Glue
    • Scissors
    • Knives (only under adult supervision)

Simple instructions for the chestnut man:

Body: Choose a slightly larger chestnut for the head.

Arms and legs: Stick toothpicks or matches into the body to represent arms and legs.

Head: Attach a smaller chestnut to one of the toothpicks as a head.

Face: Use a pencil to draw eyes, nose and mouth on the head or stick on wiggly eyes.

Collecting colourful autumn leaves is not only a beautiful walk, but also the beginning of many creative projects. With a little imagination and simple materials, the leaves can be transformed into beautiful Works of art transform.

What you need:

  • Autumn leaves: It is best to collect different types and sizes.
  • Paper: White or coloured paper, construction paper
  • Glue: Craft glue or glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Other materials as required:
    • Colours (watercolours, finger paints)
    • Glitter
    • Springs
    • Wool
    • Natural materials such as acorns or chestnuts

Simple craft ideas

Leaf printing: Place a sheet on a piece of paper and dab paint onto it with a brush. Then carefully lift it off and leave the print to dry.

Leaf collage: Stick different leaves in different sizes and colours on a large sheet of paper.

Leaf pictures: Create animals, faces or abstract patterns from leaves.

Leaf garland: Punch holes in the leaves and thread them onto a string.

Flip book: Collect leaves and stick them in a book. Describe each leaf and write down when and where you found it.

Folding a paper ship is a classic craft idea that can be Quick and easy to be realised. After Rain you can let them ride in streams or puddles.

What you need:

A sheet of paper (DIN A4 works well), preferably in different colours.


  • Folds:

    • Place the sheet of paper in front of you and fold it in half lengthways.
    • Open the paper again and fold the top corners towards the centre to create a point.
    • Turn the paper over and repeat the process with the other two corners.
  • Moulding:

    • Fold the two side triangles inwards to create a diamond shape.
    • Carefully open the rhombus and fold the lower tips upwards to create a boat.
    • Press the edges firmly so that the ship is stable.

Tip: For a more stable ship, you can fix the edges with glue.

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Bastel-Ideen für den Herbst

3 great craft ideas for autumn

3 great craft ideas for autumn Making chestnut figures is a great activity for young and old, especially in autumn. With a little imagination and some simple materials, the small brown fruits can be transformed into a wide variety of figures. What you need: Chestnuts: it's best to collect them fresh and let them dry well. Toothpicks or matches: To connect the chestnuts. More

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