
This must not be missing

Medicine chest

Medicines, dressing material & aids


  • Painkillers and antipyretics
  • Remedy against Cold symptomsSore throat tablets, cough medicine.
  • Remedy against Digestive problemsFor diarrhoea or constipation.
  • Eye dropsFor dry eyes or small foreign bodies.
  • DisinfectantFor cleaning wounds.
  • Ointments: Wound ointment, burn ointment, insect bite ointment, sun protection.

Dressing material

  • Plasters: Different sizes for small wounds and blisters.
  • Wound dressings: Sterile compresses for larger injuries.
  • Gauze: For covering wounds.
  • Gauze bandages: For fixing bandages.
  • Elasticated bandagesFor compresses or injuries.
  • Triangular scarfVersatile use, e.g. as a sling.


  • Clinical thermometerFor temperature measurement.
  • ScissorsFor cutting dressing material.
  • Tweezers, tick tweezersFor removing foreign bodies.
  • Cooling compressesFor cooling injuries.
  • Disposable gloves: For protection during wound care.

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What belongs in the medicine cabinet?

Do not forget your medicine cabinet Medicines, dressings & aids Medicines Painkillers and antipyretics Remedies for cold symptoms: Sore throat tablets, cough medicine. Remedies for indigestion: For diarrhoea or constipation. Eye drops: For dry eyes or small foreign bodies. Disinfectants: For cleaning wounds. Ointments: Wound ointment, burn ointment, insect bite ointment, sun protection. Dressing material Plasters: Various sizes for small wounds and blisters. Wound dressings: Sterile compresses for larger injuries. Gauze: For covering wounds. Gauze bandages: For

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