for full-time/part-time

Your profile:

  • You have completed training as a health and nursing care worker (m/f/d) with specialisation in children's nursing care
  • You are committed, you enjoy working in a team
  • You know how to set priorities in your daily work, even in stressful situations, and you share our demand for the highest quality of nursing care.
  • You enjoy working with children
  • You have a good knowledge of German (any other foreign language is welcome)
  • Willingness for further training

Your tasks:

  • As a DGKP (m/f/d), you will care for our patients, taking into account the specific features of the profession.
  • You feel responsible for your patients and enjoy working with your colleagues in an interdisciplinary team to provide the best possible care for patients
  • As a contact person for patients and their relatives, you demonstrate empathy on a daily basis
  • Blood sampling and sample management for the laboratory
  • Supporting the medical team during examinations and treatments (e.g. vaccinations and taking blood samples from children)
  • In addition, you will participate in quality assurance measures

We offer:

  • Dynamic and team-oriented company
  • Interesting varied activities with personal responsibility
  • Best infrastructure
  • Further education and training opportunities
  • Employment with 14 monthly salaries

Appropriate remuneration for this position of € 40,000 gross per annum on a full-time basis. Depending on experience and qualifications, there is a willingness to overpay.

If you are interested in this exciting task, please send your comprehensive application documents with a photo to immediately with password "DGKP m/f/d".

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