Current topics

With our blogs we would like to inform you about current topics - from infants to teenagers.
Our team will be happy to provide you with further information during your next visit to the practice. 


Heatstroke: beware of the current temperatures

Temperatures up to 35 degrees Risk of sun Why heatstroke can be very dangerous for your child. Babies and small children are more sensitive to heat than adults. Their thin skull bones and little hair make them susceptible to heatstroke, especially when the sun shines directly on their head and neck. What is heatstroke? Heatstroke affects the whole body,

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Heat death in the car: don't forget your child!

Don't forget your child in the car! Heat death in the car Why cars become a heat trap for children and babies in summer Accidentally leaving children in hot cars is a serious danger. To prevent such tragedies, it is important to be aware of the risks and take simple precautions. A regular look at

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Fear of the paediatrician

Afraid of the paediatrician? 5 tips for a visit to the doctor How to get your little one through the doctor's appointment well Preventing anxiety Your child needs to know that nothing bad will happen at the doctor. Picture books and doctor games: Reduce anxiety by explaining the procedure of the visit with a suitable picture book Act out the doctor's visit with a doctor's case Normalise the doctor's visit Take your child with you to your next check-up. Show your child that

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Parent-child pass examinations

All check-up appointments at a glance Parent-child passport examinations Why the ELP examinations are so important First examination: First week of life In the first week, your baby will be thoroughly examined. The doctor will check that everything is OK and give important vitamins (K and D) for bones and blood. This prevents bone softening (rickets), for example. In addition, the

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Caution: Larvae in the Danube cause skin rashes

Cercariae Be careful when swimming! Larvae in the Danube cause skin rashes What are cercariae? In summer you can sometimes get an itchy rash when swimming in lakes or rivers. This is caused by very small animals, the cercariae (larvae of sucking worms). They actually want to bite birds or other animals, but sometimes they mistake our skin for their own.

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Disease-carrying insects in popular travel destinations

Summertime is holiday time But insect-borne diseases can also lurk in popular travel destinations. But don't let this put you off! With a little knowledge, you can reduce your risk. Austria Watch out for ticks! In Austria, you can become infected with Lyme disease or TBE while hiking or camping. Croatia Watch out for ticks in northern Croatia! Vaccination recommended:

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