Current topics

With our blogs we would like to inform you about current topics - from infants to teenagers.
Our team will be happy to provide you with further information during your next visit to the practice. 


Protection from wind and weather: skin care in autumn & winter

Particularly important Main care for your child Wind and weather protection in cold temperatures Why does the skin dry out in autumn and winter? In winter, the skin dries out particularly quickly as the heating air removes moisture and the sebaceous glands produce less oil due to the falling temperatures. Children's skin is naturally thinner and more sensitive than

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Cold season

Autumn & winter cold season Tips to prevent colds, aids & important information. How can you prevent colds? It is almost impossible to completely prevent a cold, as there are countless cold viruses. But there are a few ways to strengthen the immune system. Healthy diet: lots of fresh vegetables, fruit and wholemeal products Sufficient sleep: the body recovers during sleep

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Bastel-Ideen für den Herbst

3 great craft ideas for autumn

3 great craft ideas for autumn Making chestnut figures is a great activity for young and old, especially in autumn. With a little imagination and some simple materials, the small brown fruits can be transformed into a wide variety of figures. What you need: Chestnuts: it's best to collect them fresh and let them dry well. Toothpicks or matches: To connect the chestnuts. More

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Corona vs. flu

Typical autumn illnesses Corona & flu Similarities and differences Corona (COVID-19) Risk of infection Can be very high, especially with certain variants. Symptoms Fever, cough, sore throat, general weakness, tiredness and muscle pain, loss of sense of smell and taste. Course Can be mild, severe or fatal. Long-term consequences (Long COVID) are possible. Usually slow course of the disease. Transmission Droplet infection (coughing, sneezing or speaking) Flu

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Virus disease Mpox (monkeypox) The situation in Austria What is Mpox (monkeypox)? Mpox is a disease caused by viruses that can cause symptoms similar to smallpox. People with immune deficiencies, pregnant women and children are particularly at risk. After contact with an infected person, the first symptoms usually appear within 2-21 days. Typical signs

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High ragweed pollen load from the end of August

High exposure to ragweed pollen From the end of August According to the Pollen Information Service, there will be a very high exposure to ragweed pollen from the end of August, which can trigger severe allergic reactions. 🌿🍃 🤧 It is important for the child's well-being to recognise and treat an allergy as early as possible. After testing in an allergy centre, we will be happy to advise and inform you

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