About us

Unsere Mission, Ziele und großartiges Team

As unique as our little patients: The team at the paediatric outpatient clinic in Margareten

At our paediatric practice, we focus on the individuality of your child. Because every child is unique - with their own needs, their own personality and their own pace of development.

Our team of doctors and surgeries reflects this diversity. We are a team of experienced and dedicated doctors, nurses and assistants with different backgrounds, specialisms and interests. What unites us, however, is our love of children and our desire to help them. This enables us to offer your child optimal and holistic care.

"I wouldn't be able to do all this without my team. I am very grateful for my team."
Kinderambulatorium Margareten Dr. Sevinc Yildirim
Dr. Sevinc Yildirim
Paediatrician and management

Our vision

We want a place Without fear create where every child receives the best possible healthcare receives, with Respect and compassiontaking into account that individual needs and wishes.

Our mission

Children and their parents should, regardless of originfrom the friendly registration at the Receptionup to the professional and exact treatment and care of the doctors and surgery assistants Appreciative and competent experience share.


Kinderambulatorium Margareten Dr. Sevinc Yildirim

Dr. Sevinc Yildirim

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine

Our team

that's how many patients are treated by our team every day!

Dr Qurat-Ul-Ain Mahmood Baryar Chaudhary

General practitioner

Dr Uzma Khan

General practitioner

Dr Anna Johanna Holkup

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine 

Dr Jasmin Steiner

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine

Medical Director of the Margareten Paediatric Outpatient Clinic

Dr Zuzana Lenart

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine

Dr Hannelore Steinböck

Specialist in paediatrics and paediatric neuropsychiatry

Dr Dzevida Husagic

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine

Developmental therapy

Sarah Anabith, MA

Social worker

On maternity leave until February 2025

Claudia Martino, BSc


Julia Bamberger

Speech therapist

Petra Dittmann, BA

Social worker

DGKP & surgery assistant

Our team of doctors is supported by our qualified nurses, surgery assistants and receptionists.

Wir sind ISO-zertifiziert! Das bedeutet die Zertifizierung für Sie:

Hier können Sie das Zertifikat downloaden!

You can rely on the fact that our services fulfil the highest demands are sufficient.

The certification guarantees that our services Safe and reliable are.

You can be sure that we have the the necessary expertise and experience to offer you the best possible performance.

Unsere Ordination

The future of paediatrics lies in the Margareten Children's Outpatient Clinic!

The paediatric outpatient clinic in Margareten offers a Comprehensive paediatric care without inpatient hospital beds. The increased demand and positive feedback confirm the success of this medical programme. This Modern, well-equipped medical centre with excellent transport links in the city of Vienna, needs for the existing team (doctors, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, assistants) Support for the best possible care of young patients.

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