The first-aid kit checklist

The holiday season will soon be upon us again and many families are already planning their trips. But before they start, parents should definitely think about their first-aid kit. Especially abroad, it can happen quickly that a child gets sick or injured. A well-stocked first-aid kit can be a great help in such cases and avoid unnecessary stress.

But which medicines should parents definitely take with them? We have compiled a checklist to help you put together the most important over-the-counter medicines for your children. From painkillers and fever suppositories to remedies against travel sickness, with our checklist you are well prepared.

But why is the first-aid kit so important abroad? For one thing, other countries often have different medicines than we do in Austria. Secondly, it can be difficult to get hold of the necessary medication quickly in an emergency. A well-stocked first-aid kit therefore gives parents a reassuring feeling and ensures that they can act quickly in an emergency.

So, before you set off, be sure to think about your first-aid kit! Our checklist is available for download and will help you to put together the most important medicines for your children. We wish you a wonderful and, above all, healthy holiday! 

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