Summer is coming

Summer and sunburn

Why and how you can protect your child from the sun

The coming summer also increases the risk of sunburn. Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin caused by intense sun exposure. Children's skin is thin and still has no self-protection and is therefore particularly at risk!

Symptoms of sunburn

Attention: If your baby is sunburnt Immediate need for action announced!

Especially in the first year of life it is important to have the sunburn checked by a paediatrician. Examine and treat to leave.

Notice blisters in the area of the sunburnis a Immediate visit to the doctor unavoidable. These blisters may must not be opened under any circumstancesas this greatly increases the risk of infection.

Why are babies and children particularly at risk?

In addition to children's thin skin, they also have less melanin. Melanin is a pigment in the skin that protects against UV radiation. Children have less melanin than adults, so their skin is less well protected.

Children's skin burns more quickly due to their weaker "protective mechanisms". In addition, it is not only the outermost layer of skin that is damaged, but also the genetic material of the skin cells themselves. Once the genetic material is damaged, this damage is passed on to a large number of new skin cells in children. The sun damage to the cells is therefore "inherited" by new cells, which significantly increases the risk of skin cancer.

What now?

Of course, despite the best protection, your child can get sunburnt from time to time. It is all the better if you know how to treat the sunburn so that it can heal properly. 

As sunburn can be very painful for your child, give him or her enough comfort and closeness.

It is best to always put up a parasol or seek the natural shade of trees. No sun until the skin has completely healed!

  • Use: Not too cold, moist compresses.
  • Suitable means: Herbal teas, yoghurt or quark.
  • Avoid: Home remedies such as powder, flour, ointment or oil!
  • Frozen objects: Can further damage the skin!

Gentle cooling creams, moisturisers and gels for children help to soothe the skin and support its regeneration

Water or unsweetened drinks are best to compensate for your child's fluid loss.

Measures for suitable sun protection

  • Shadow visit
  • Avoid the midday sun
  • Clothing offers additional protection (sun hat, loose-fitting T-shirt)
  • Suitable for children Sunscreen
  • Drink enough water

HiPP. (undated). Sunburn and sunstroke in children. Retrieved on 28. 05. 2024 from: (01 April 2021). What to do in case of sunburn, heatstroke and sunstroke. Retrieved 28/05/2024 from:

Kraft, N. (13 December 2023). Sunburn: Children's skin needs multiple protection. Retrieved 28/05/2024 from:

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