
Hausmittel Kinder

Hausmittel für Kinder

Hilfsmittel gegen Beschwerden Hausmittel für Kinder Tipps & Tricks Warum Hausmittel? Kinder bauen ihr Immunsystem erst auf und sind daher anfälliger für Krankheiten. Einfache Hausmittel können die Selbstheilungskräfte unterstützen und Beschwerden lindern.  ❗Wichtig: Hausmittel ersetzen nicht den Arztbesuch, insbesondere bei schweren Erkrankungen oder wenn die Beschwerden anhalten. Bei Säuglingen und Kindern sollte besonders aufgepasst werden! Hausmittel bei Fieber […]

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Die Grippe (Influenza)

Influenza Die „echte“ Grippe Mehr als eine einfache Erkältung Was ist die Grippe? Die echte Grippe (Influenza) ist keine einfache Erkältung, sondern eine ansteckende Viruserkrankung, die plötzlich mit hohem Fieber, Husten und starken Schmerzen beginnt. Sowohl beim Husten und Niesen (Tröpfcheninfektion) als auch über verunreinigte Oberflächen (Schmierinfektion) können sich die Viren verbreiten. Besonders für Risikogruppen wie ältere Menschen, Schwangere und Kleinkinder kann sie gefährlich werden und zu schweren Komplikationen führen. Als häufigste Komplikationen werden Lungenentzündungen gefürchtet.

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Protection from wind and weather: skin care in autumn & winter

Particularly important Main care for your child Wind and weather protection in cold temperatures Why does the skin dry out in autumn and winter? In winter, the skin dries out particularly quickly as the heating air removes moisture and the sebaceous glands produce less oil due to the falling temperatures. Children's skin is naturally thinner and more sensitive than

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Cold season

Autumn & winter cold season Tips to prevent colds, aids & important information. How can you prevent colds? It is almost impossible to completely prevent a cold, as there are countless cold viruses. But there are a few ways to strengthen the immune system. Healthy diet: lots of fresh vegetables, fruit and wholemeal products Sufficient sleep: the body recovers during sleep

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Corona vs. flu

Typical autumn illnesses Corona & flu Similarities and differences Corona (COVID-19) Risk of infection Can be very high, especially with certain variants. Symptoms Fever, cough, sore throat, general weakness, tiredness and muscle pain, loss of sense of smell and taste. Course Can be mild, severe or fatal. Long-term consequences (Long COVID) are possible. Usually slow course of the disease. Transmission Droplet infection (coughing, sneezing or speaking) Flu

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Virus disease Mpox (monkeypox) The situation in Austria What is Mpox (monkeypox)? Mpox is a disease caused by viruses that can cause symptoms similar to smallpox. People with immune deficiencies, pregnant women and children are particularly at risk. After contact with an infected person, the first symptoms usually appear within 2-21 days. Typical signs

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Whooping cough

Questions & Answers Whooping cough The number of whooping cough cases is rising: Why the disease can be too dangerous What is whooping cough? Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious disease of the respiratory tract and is usually caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough is spread by the infected person when coughing, sneezing or via the air (droplet infection).

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Watch out for ticks!

Watch out! Ticks! Vaccination offers the safest protection against TBE If you wish to be vaccinated, please make an appointment in advance! The TBE vaccination is subject to a charge: +43 1 544 44 45 or info@kinderambulatorium.com × Dismiss this alert. Tick bite: What now? Remove the tick as soon as possible Do not crush it! Use tweezers or a special tick removal instrument close to the skin surface, i.e.

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