
Allergie Saison

Allergy season

Brike, rye, grasses & many more Allergy season Pollen count in spring Pollen count Pollen allergy - symptoms The concentration of grass and tree pollen in the air is highest between April and August. However, the first swarms of pollen can appear as early as February and March. From October onwards, most of the plants start to flower and the pollen season ends. Occasionally [...]

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Travel first aid kit checklist for download

The travel first-aid kit checklist Soon it will be that time of year again, the holiday season is just around the corner and many families are already planning their trips. But before they set off, parents should definitely think about their first-aid kit. Especially abroad, it can happen very quickly that a child gets sick or injured. A well-stocked first-aid kit can help in such cases.

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