Drinking enough water is very important, especially when temperatures rise, as important fluids and minerals are quickly lost through frequent sweating. It is therefore particularly important to drink enough water in order to avoid dehydration and its consequences such as headaches, dizziness and circulatory problems. You can read here what, how much and which drinks should be avoided.

Water is not only vital, but also a real all-rounder!

What are suitable drinks for my child?

To keep the body's water balance in equilibrium, it is important to drink enough. Sugary drinks and drinks with sweeteners should be avoided, as they burden the body with unnecessary calories and can lead to health problems.

Super refreshers for your child:

Drinking water from the tap or mineral water

Unsweetened herbal or fruit teas (e.g. with pieces of fruit or lemon slices) and vegetable juices 

Diluted fruit juices (one part fruit juice, three parts water)

Your children should RARELY OR NOT drink these drinks:

These drinks are not recommended as they sometimes contain high amounts of sugar.

Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit nectars, diluted syrups, caffeinated drinks such as cola, drink mixes made from green or black tea, coffee or soft drinks containing sweeteners

How much should my child drink?

More information & How to make drinking fun for your child

In the SIPCAN drinks list, you can check at any time whether a particular drink fulfils certain categories (e.g. sugar content). You can access the list here.

SIPCAN also offers numerous knowledge and fun packs for download on how playful ideas can turn quenching thirst into an entertaining adventure for children.

For more information and to download here!

gesundheit.gv.at (11 March 2020). Drinking properly at school. Retrieved on 08.05.2024 from: https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/leben/lebenswelt/schule/gesunde-jause/richtig-trinken.html

kindergesundheit.info.de (10.Juli 2022). Trinken und Getränke. Abgerufen am 08.05.2024 unter https://www.kindergesundheit-info.de/themen/ernaehrung/1-6-jahre/trinken-getraenke/#:~:text=Als%20Getr%C3%A4nk%20ist%20Trinkwasser%20aus,Zucker%20enthalten%2C%20eher%20zu%20vermeiden.

SIPCAN: https://www.sipcan.at/


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